A mythical kingdom of elves and fairies. Dotted with a staggering 130 fire-spewing volcanoes and a sky glittering with infinite stars!
Iceland is on countless bucket-lists for countless reasons!
Not the least being Iceland's spectacle of its dancing celestial lights!
Called the Aurora Borealis or simply the Northern lights, these celestial lights have been part of magic and myth for centuries!
Let Mee demystify the aura around these auroral displays.

What are Northern Lights?
Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis in the Northern Hemisphere is a vivid
& shifting display of colours seen on clear dark nights from select
places close to the arctic circle. The most distinctive and brightest are the curtain-like auroral arcs. While auroras show various colours,
green is the most commonly observed colour at
lower altitudes.
Best time to view Northern Lights?
Northern Lights are typically seen on dark, moonless nights from late September to mid March. You need to be away from the city lights, and the sky needs to be free of any clouds. Since cloud cover is dynamic, it is difficult to predict the exact time and location where the lights will be best seen
Mee Time's northern lights tour makes viewing these a priority and we do all we need to in order to watch them every evening, Literally chasing after them by frequently monitoring weather websites, being in touch with other groups chasing the lights. Facts and instincts developed over years of experience guide us to the best views of these....celestial gods willing, ofcourse!

Best places to view Northern Lights?
Northern lights can be seen only
from certain areas of the Northern
Hemisphere, which fall under the so called Auroral Belt, roughly between 660 to 690 North latitudes – which includes Iceland and other places like Alaska, Siberia, Northern Norway, Greenland and parts of Northern Canada.

What causes Northern Lights?
Our Sun continuously emits high energy charged particles (called solar prominences or solar winds) which travel toward the Earth and are deflected by Earth’s Magnetic Field. However, close to the north & south pole, the magnetic field is weak, resulting in these particles entering the Earth’s atmosphere where they collide with gases like oxygen & nitrogen. These collisions are what give rise to the colourful displays each colour being characteristic of a gas. The Earth’s magnetic field changes continuously and so do these auroras, giving the impression of an auroral dance.

Wanna chase Northern lights with Mee Time Holidays?
If you wish to be enchanted by this celestial dance and to explore Iceland's thermal baths, volcanos, beaches,
go glacier walking join Mee Time Holidays on their Winter Trips to Iceland. The tour happens in Feb, March and Oct every year The 11th & 18th October 2020 group for this year are as per schedule. For our detailed itinerary and price click the link below.